Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Nashville Day 1

I’m blogging to you from 35,000 feet above the great state of Texas…

Yes for a moment I put on Pat Green’s “Wave On Wave” and gazed out the window. How cool. This Southwest flight we’re on is booked full, lots of interesting characters on this flight. Mrs. Bullfrog pointed out a guy in a salmon colored coat!!! I mentioned to her that it was just a colored blind Elvis!!

Shortly we’ll be coming up on the Mississippi River and will be crossing over Memphis about an hour away from Nashville. Memphis is where our trip will conclude with a visit to Graceland. It’ll be my second time, but I’m excited because now I can share it with someone special.

Once we land in Nashville, life is gonna move kinda fast. We’ll have to get to our hotel, check in… relax for about 30 minutes, then head on over to the Hotel where we’ll need to pick up our badges and credentials. Then from there we head over to the broadcast center to set up and attend an orientation.

Afterwards, the rest of the team, Scott and Tommy, will arrive. We’ll probably head out for a few drinks and dinner. Along the way of course we’ll meet up with some old and new friends in the business. Tomorrow’s blog will have all the details.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.